How to clean tapestry sofa. How to clean a greasy sofa.

  1. Ways to clean the greasy sofa
  2. How to clean a greasy sofa at home
  3. Remove stains
  4. We clean the dirty sofa in the kitchen

Our daily life is not complete without a sofa. On it, we relax while watching TV after a hard day’s work, chatting with friends or family members, learning how their day has passed or accepting guests and arranging get-togethers for a cup of tea and a delicious cake. But frequent operation upholstered furniture leads to its grease and dust cover on the upholstery. Furniture, whatever it may be, needs to be cleaned and in our article we will tell you how to clean a greasy sofa at home.

Ways to clean the greasy sofa

There are two different ways to clean furniture: dry and wet. When dry cleaning you need to go through the furniture with a vacuum cleaner. This method is best used in order to remove dust, but for more thorough cleaning, removal of various stains and greasy traces it will not work. Here you need to take advantage of wet cleaning.

If you want to clean the sofa from dust, it is recommended to use a damp cloth or gauze, which should be placed on the suction fan of the vacuum cleaner. The rag is wetted in saline, it is prepared as follows: add one tablespoon of salt to a liter of water and mix well. Thus, you can spend more thoroughly collecting dust, because it adheres well to wet gauze. But you need to pay attention to what upholstery your sofa has, because in the case of fleecy models, like velor and velvet, this option of dust cleansing should be abandoned, as it can damage the fabric.

The velvet upholstery is cleaned in this way: we take a large piece of cloth and prepare a solution of salt and vinegar (add two tablespoons of salt and vinegar to the liter of water) and soak the material in it. Next, distribute the fabric along the entire length of the upholstery material and knock out the sofa. After, blot the fabric again, until it is clean after knocking it out. So you can remove the dust, cat pile and crumbs. Being on this couch will be much more pleasant.

Fabric upholstery wipe soaked in a warm soapy solution with a towel or cloth. Upholstery should be rubbed in one direction. In addition, you can conduct a home dry cleaning, cleaning upholstery household stain removers. But this option is not suitable for all types of fabric and it should be used strictly following the instructions. When using a chemical cleaner, it is spread over the surface of the sofa, and after drying it is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

How to clean a greasy sofa at home

To clean a material such as a velor, use a microfiber cloth, which should be moistened in a solution of soap. Movement should be only in the direction of the pile. After that, you need to walk on the contaminated place with a dry cotton towel.

Suede and nubuck can be cleaned with a brush designed for suede. First you need to remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, and then wipe the dirty area with a brush.

The furniture of the skin and its substitute is cleaned with a damp cloth. To remove stains from leather upholstery, it is not recommended to use factory stain removers, in this case it is recommended to apply special tool for removing stains from leather products.

If you do not want to spend money on professionals and send your furniture to dry cleaning, you can wash the greasy sofa with your own hands. Materials that will be needed:

  1. salt;
  2. laundry soap;
  3. alcohol;
  4. dishwashing liquid;
  5. sponge;
  6. soft cloth; towel;
  7. ammonia.

The newly planted footprint is much easier to remove than the old one, so immediately try to remove it as soon as it appears on the surface of the furniture.

Remove stains

We proceed directly to the removal of stains:

  1. Lipstick stain. Such a stain can be removed using a cotton swab, which should be dipped in alcohol. Need to move, trying to prevent spreading. At the end, wipe the area with a damp cloth.
  2. Grass stain. Displayed in this way: dissolve the soap in warm water or use dishwashing detergent. Then apply the solution to the upholstery material and scrub the contaminated area, then wipe it with a damp cloth or cloth.
  3. Beer stain. This stain can be removed by wiping it with soap and leaving it to dry. Then soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the contaminated area with it, removing the trace from the soap.
  4. Chewing gum. Chewing gum can be removed by attaching ice to it, so that it freezes. Then remove it with a knife or a plastic skewer. It is important to act carefully so as not to damage the material.
  5. The trace of the wax. Such a trace can be removed using a hot iron. We take a sheet of paper and adjust it to the contaminated area and pass through it with an iron. If necessary, we do it several times.
  6. Spot of unknown origin. You can get rid of this stain with baking soda . First, moisten the sponge in water and walk around the contaminated area. Then sprinkle the place with soda, let it soak for half an hour. Then rub the place with a sponge and soda and leave until the mark is completely dry.

We clean the dirty sofa in the kitchen

Kitchen furniture also requires cleaning, because it is very easy to plant a stain there. If the fabric of your kitchenette is not made of leather or a good substitute for it, which can be wiped with a cloth slightly moistened with water, then it will have to work a little.

  1. Stain from wine. Such a stain can be removed by inserting into it. salt and leaving her for half an hour. Then you need to take medical alcohol and soak a cotton swab in it, then wipe the area with it.
  2. Coffee stain. Clean with a damp sponge, and then wipe it with soap and leave for one hour. Remove excess soap by wiping the stain with a damp cloth.
  3. Stain from the juice. For this stain you need to make a mixture of equal parts. liquid ammonia and table vinegar. We rub it in the soiled place and let it dry, then remove it with a damp sponge.
  4. Stain from jam. This trace is removed by mixing soap and vinegar. Rub one tablespoon laundry soap grated and dissolve it in hot water. Then add three teaspoons of vinegar. Cool the resulting solution, beat the foam from it and coat it with a trace. Leave for about two minutes and rinse with water.
  5. Stain from fat. We get rid of this stain thanks to three means: salt, ammonia and dishwashing detergent. Pour the stain with salt and gently rub it, then leave it for a while. After that, dissolve the dishwashing liquid in warm water and wipe the contaminated area with it. If a trace remains, then wet a cotton pad in a solution of ammonia and wipe it.

If a trace remains, then wet a cotton pad in a solution of ammonia and wipe it

Remember that every way to get rid of stains should be checked on an inconspicuous area of ​​furniture, so as not to harm the upholstery fabric.

Now that you have learned how to clean the sofa from greasy stains, you can safely get to work and you are no longer afraid of any pollution.